The kit uses a split back stitch to fill the blocks of colour in, you're stitching over a print of the illustration so you know where to put each colour. It’s a really simple stitch, but because there is quite a lot of work involved in filling the different areas of colour, it is recommanded for a confident beginner, rather than someone who is just starting out in embroidery.
This kit was designed using an illustration by Ekaterina Trukhan. Ekaterina is a Russian illustrator who graduated from Camberwell College of Arts with a BA degree in Illustration. She creates illustrations for children's books, magazines and products and is also the author of several children's books published in the UK, USA, Russia and Slovakia.
What's in this embroidery kit?
Everything you need to complete this kit (apart from a pair of scissors) is included:
- Embroidery hoop
- Printed fabric
- Embroidery needle
- Embroidery thread
- Wadding
- Instructions
- Backing disc (making it super easy to finish off and hang on your wall)